Krishaangh Kumar

I am Krishaangh Kumar, a 17-year-old studying in the 12th grade at The Cathedral and John Connon School in Mumbai. Described as diligent, a perfectionist, and a keen observer, qualities that I fully embrace to drive my pursuits. 
 My passion for sports, particularly football and basketball, is consistently evident through my active involvement in school teams. Alongside these interests, my enthusiasm for Formula 1 and tennis underscores the breadth of my hobbies. Moreover, my love for music is apparent, having completed all five levels of the Trinity College Course in electronic keyboard. Balancing my athletic commitments with my academic aspirations, I am committed to excelling as a student and bringing honor to my school. 
Beyond these aspects, a humbling and mutually rewarding journey unfolded when I took the chance to share my wisdom and experiences with the residents of Kond Village. My unwavering work ethic shapes my approach to tasks, consistently pushing me to invest my best efforts and overcome challenges to achieve successful outcomes. This devotion to achieving excellence motivates me to exceed expectations in all my pursuits. I’ve always nurtured a strong desire to uncover the best in people, appreciating their distinctive qualities and perspectives. This mindset not only influences my personal growth but also empowers me to create a positive impact on others. 
 Through my commitment, I was able to extend support to the villagers of Kond Village. By imparting my knowledge and experiences, I aimed to contribute to their well-being and development, showcasing how my strive for excellence and my empathy for others are intertwined. Observing their enthusiasm to learn and evolve, and actively participating in their progress, was an incredibly humbling and rewarding experience. This encounter further solidified my belief that nurturing a sense of community and reciprocal assistance can lead to significant transformations for all individuals involved.


Hi! I’m Mahika Kanodia, a 17 year old studying at the Aditya Birla World Academy in Mumbai. I would describe myself as passionate, committed, and have good time management skills. I’m highly competitive, and will always give my all, whether it requires me to show up at a football tournament with a fractured leg to cheer for my team or working hard to top my class.

I am a track and field athlete, and hope to make the country proud and compete at a higher level. As sports captain in the student council, I have learnt how to take charge, and you will generally see me at the forefront – for example at the Kala Ghoda Art event where the team I led placed 2nd. Aside from this, I conducted an art and design workshop with younger students, which is a cherished memory to this day. I particularly enjoy spending time with children, and have taken part in community service through various organizations so as to give back to society.

To add to this, I enjoy learning about how the world functions, as I have strong logical reasoning. Hence I thrive in subjects such as economics and business. I am a hardworking and determined member of this team, with creative skills which are an asset to this project. I am extremely grateful to be a part of this team and to have this opportunity to help the Kond Village in any way that I can. This initiative is much more than a passing project for me – it is a way to connect, interact with, and to teach and improve the lives of the villagers.


Hi! I am Mehek Vora, a 17 year old, from Hill Spring International, Mumbai. In three words I can be described as a patient, pragmatic perfectionist who will never miss an opportunity to doodle on any surface I find. I find myself organized in utmost chaos and will never forgo the opportunity to share my unparalleled enthusiasm for romantic comedies with others. I believe in working efficiently yet with immense diligence, and view every challenge as an opportunity for growth.

I am a committed and dynamic team player who appreciates creativity over customary ideas. I consider myself diplomatic and collaborative, but am never afraid to stand my ground. My copy of the dictionary has no room for fear and lethargy.

My passion lies with teaching, having taught French to the less fortunate at Teach for India for the last 3 years, and having intricately curated a French audio-visual study guide that enables students to expand their learning opportunities; I believe, the smile of an insatiable learner is my only Achilles heel. I have been part of the student council for the last 5 years, and continue to write for my school Newsletter.

As a member of Saathi, I know that being a part of this initiative will truly contribute to my impact as a member of society, as I play my role in creating change and paving the path towards a better future. This initiative goes far beyond a community outreach project, but is rather a platform to connect with a group of individuals, a platform to extend a helping hand to these individuals, knowing that we can impact their lives, and act as the fuel to the rockets I am certain can reach unfathomable heights.

In the true words of Maya Angelo I affirmatively believe it is important to “Not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”